How to obtain a free certificate of conformity?
The certificate of conformity is very important in the process of registering a vehicle imported from abroad. This official approval certificate is also known by the English abbreviation COC (Certificate Of Conformity), allows registration in Europe (France, Spain, Italy, England, Greece, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Low ..) a car, van or motorbike imported from the European Union.
Its role for a vehicle purchased abroad used or new is to prove compliance with the mandatory standards to be able to manufacture, market and drive this vehicle in Europe. Thus, as soon as you apply for the registration and obtaining the gray card of a foreign car, you must present the European certificate of conformity or COC certificate of conformity. Obtaining the duplicate of the certificate of conformity is very often chargeable but in some cases, it is possible to have it for free.
Obtain your free certificate of conformity
The certificate of conformity is required to obtain the gray card since the latter indicates all the technical and tax data allowing the edition of the gray card. Any request for a new certificate of conformity or duplicate is payable.
However, to obtain a free certificate of conformity, you must ensure that your vehicle falls within the case of the free certificate of conformity, namely:
The vehicle for which you are requesting the COC is new and manufactured for a European Union country. Indeed, when a new vehicle is marketed, the brand's approval department or the manufacturer's representative issues the first (original) certificate of conformity. Also, by acquiring a new vehicle abroad, you will have to require the seller to give you the European certificate of conformity free of charge in order to register the vehicle for the first time in a European country. This document is always free and issued by the first importer of the vehicle. If you do not think to claim it, the edition of a new European certificate of conformity is chargeable. You can order the certificate of conformity on the official website https://coc-europe.fr
Free European Certificate of Conformity: Free COC
The free European Certificate of Conformity or COC only applies to the following vehicles:
- Category N1, M1, L1 or M1 vehicles;
- Cars that have been subject to European approval and manufactured in the European Union;
- Vehicles manufactured from 1996
- Vehicles under 3.5 tonnes
If the vehicle does not meet these 4 criteria, it will not be possible to request a free certificate of conformity.
Certificate of conformity not mandatory in certain cases
As indicated, the certificate of conformity remains a mandatory document to register an imported car in Europe. For used vehicles, it is possible to register an imported vehicle without the CoC. Indeed, if the foreign gray card is complete in certain fields, the certificate of conformity is not mandatory.
- Field D.1, D2 and D3 must be completed: these headings mention the type, variant and version of your vehicle.
- The K field must be completely filled in : This field must contain more than two digits after the last star: e1/15/1252*02*125
So the certificate of conformity is not mandatory, if the vehicle has not been modified and if these 2 fields are correctly completed.
FAQ Free Certificate of Conformity
I bought a used BMW car in Germany. Is it possible to request a Bmw certificate of conformity for free?
No, since your Bmw car is second-hand. However, it will be necessary to check the vehicle papers to ensure that the seller has not given you the COC with the vehicle.
My car has been modified. She went from the VU category to VP. A free certificate of conformity may be possible?
No, it is not possible to request a free European CoC certificate of conformity for this type of vehicle. You must request a national certificate of conformity.
Is it possible to have a free certificate of conformity for a Japanese, Canadian or USA vehicle?
No, it is not possible to request a European CoC certificate of conformity for vehicles not manufactured for the European market. It will be necessary to do an individual approval for the vehicle.